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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: ACh pathway Week 5, Cholinergic temperature no change, Black widow symptoms drooping eyelids, symptoms ???? Emesis, symptoms ???? dry, symptoms ???? twitching, symptoms red, myasthenia gravis symptoms facial paralysis, M2,M4 ???? cardiac inhibiton, Anticholinergic temperature hot, symptoms ???? tachycardia, M2,M4 ???? neuronal inhibiton, myasthenia gravis symptoms difficulty to chew and swallow, myasthenia gravis symptoms difficulty to climb stairs, and lift objects, M1, M3, M5 ???? contraction of visceral smooth muschles, Physiologic Changes ACh receptor antagonist Anticholinergic, nicotinic receptor ???? myasthenia gravis, action potential cause vesicles to fuse with synapse and release Acetylcholine ???? binds to post synaptic receptors, Anticholinergic HR & BP increase, symptoms ???? mad, Cholinergic diaphoresis increase sweat